Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Water in all its forms is so captivating. Even though I grew up an ocean girl, I love the endless variations of streams.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Grateful Epiphany

Four days ago, I was wondering how long I could keep on going through chemo. I told myself to be patient, that better days would come soon, that there is something beautiful in everyday. All my mantras that get me through the hard time.

And then I am blessed with a day like today. I could get out and run an easy dawn workout with my friends, the moon setting over the Flatirons, and the grownup calves bleating in the fields. I could hang laundry outside at least once more before it gets too cold. I could spend a few hours watercolor painting and get lost in the colors. I could visit my mom and sit outside in the courtyard, plucking some bright leaves from the changing tree for her. I could stop by Whole Foods and delight in the sights and smells and choices. Crusty bread in abundance, creamy blocks of cheese, bright fall veggies, conjuring a memory of taste in the back of my mind.

The fatigue and queasiness of the last five days slip away as if it never happened, and the wonder rebounds.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Indian summer

We finally got back to the high country this weekend, the first time since the epic floods. The road up Boulder Canyon has been repaired allowing one gateway to Peak to Peak highway. The aspens were long past their prime except in a few tiny pockets, like this one near Ouzel Falls. What micro climate protected them for an extra week or two of glory?

Although there have been frosts, the grass in the meadows has greened up after all the rain, not the flat brown of a typical October. Signs of rockslides and high water can be seen when you look closely, but most views are unchanged. I wonder if we will have incredible wildflowers next year with all the moisture trapped in the ground and awaiting the seeds in the spring.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Morning Glory

Morning Glories were considered a pest where I grew up. They would tangle around every plant in sight and take over the hillside behind our house. I don't see them often in Colorado, but one magical garden a mile from my house is a paradise of vines and whimsy right now. Zinnias of every color leap out of the center of the garden, threatening to jump the boundaries. But the fences belong to the morning glories, winding up to the sky, towering above the riot of color, imposing their regal purple majesty on the mayhem below.

Monday, August 26, 2013

August and everything after

Late August. Parking spots at the trailhead. Sunrise a little later and unaccompanied by birds. Sunset a little earlier, and bringing the constant background rhythm of the crickets. Still green in the high country, but the profusion of subalpine flowers has dwindled. Here and there the gentian pokes up its head, having saved the deepest hue for last.

And, yes, that Counting Crows album is the best album ever.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Catch the beauty

There are always moments to savor, even when life gets a little crazy. This week I start on my third round of chemo. Trying to get everything organized was a little stressful, but now that I'm started, there is a little calm. Time to squash those pesky cells again after having had a wonderful summer hiking.

I was out on a neighborhood walk this morning, and got to see the teasel in bloom. I have always enjoyed their seed head in the winter when covered with a dusting of snow, but had never noticed the tiny purple blossoms. It appears they bloom from the center out. First a ring of purple, then two rings on either side of the first. Subtle, not showy. How many times have I run by these plants and never noticed?