Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Exuberance

Winter dormancy be banished! Finally the days are longer, the daffodils have emerged, energy returns. I feel my body and my mood expanding. Perhaps it is a little manic, but isn't that what spring is all about? A chance to be exuberant and shed the shell of winter. A chance for new growth, physically and mentally.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Fruit trees around the town are battling for my attention, each one more beautiful than the other. The April showers are finally here, and for two nights this week, I have been serenaded by the sound of light rain as I've fallen asleep. Instead of snow and ice on the trails, I am rewarded with meadowlarks, sand lilies, and the emerging green grass. This morning a flock of noisy seagulls circled overhead, blindingly white against the blue sky.