Sunday, November 27, 2011


Sometimes you are tired, too tired to get out. A busy few days, friends in town, cooking for the holiday, and all you want to do is hit the snooze button and curl up in the comforter, returning to dreamland. But a snowshoe hike was scheduled, an early rising required, and with coffee mugs filled, we drive up to Estes Park. We were rewarded with blue skies, a huge herd of elk, two wonderful guests, and an opportunity to gaze at the snow covered mountains that we wouldn't have had if the snooze button had won.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

My (shared) tree

Our running group headed out at sunrise. Winter sunlight lit the Flatirons, turning them into rising pink monoliths. High mountains were sparkling in their new covering of snow. While running our repeats, I nodded hello to my tree that stands guard at a bend in the trail. As we were returning, two other runners were coming up towards the tree. Imagine my surprise when they stopped, and one gave the tree a big hug. "Is that your tree?" I asked.  Indeed it was! What are the chances that not only does someone else have a special tree, but the same special tree that they also give hugs to. Nice to meet you, Kerry!