Monday, August 26, 2013

August and everything after

Late August. Parking spots at the trailhead. Sunrise a little later and unaccompanied by birds. Sunset a little earlier, and bringing the constant background rhythm of the crickets. Still green in the high country, but the profusion of subalpine flowers has dwindled. Here and there the gentian pokes up its head, having saved the deepest hue for last.

And, yes, that Counting Crows album is the best album ever.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Catch the beauty

There are always moments to savor, even when life gets a little crazy. This week I start on my third round of chemo. Trying to get everything organized was a little stressful, but now that I'm started, there is a little calm. Time to squash those pesky cells again after having had a wonderful summer hiking.

I was out on a neighborhood walk this morning, and got to see the teasel in bloom. I have always enjoyed their seed head in the winter when covered with a dusting of snow, but had never noticed the tiny purple blossoms. It appears they bloom from the center out. First a ring of purple, then two rings on either side of the first. Subtle, not showy. How many times have I run by these plants and never noticed?