Saturday, May 14, 2011


Muneca is getting a little antsy. She's been perched on the mantle all winter, and has been seriously deprived of fresh air. She did get up to the high country last weekend, but she's just a little too awkward to be joining me on my long runs. I may have to find a way to carry her on my water belt. This morning, once I had crested the hill, it was 6 miles of downhill, and most of that beside a stream. Noisy, bubbling, laughing, the stream is filling up with the beginning of the runoff. Hammocks and hanging chairs have been placed out behind the houses, in anticipation of the warm and lazy afternoons to come. Penstamen bloom together in neat blue bunches near the roadside. Irises are opening their flags, and perfuming the air, mixing with the wild choke cherry. Who wants to join me for a run?
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